Our team rebuilt this wooden fence in front of the Plant and we had a new sign made that replicates the original business sign from when the business started in 1941! The original still hangs in our office to this day!
One of the Plant projects we've done as a team is getting a fresh coat of paint on everything! We worked together to paint our Hogger House (where our industrial sized shredder is), our shop, our office and doors!
Another recent project we completed is putting up sheet metal around the back of the fence on our Truck pad. We've had repeated issues with vandalism and spray painting on our trailers and we've had people actually cut through the chain link fence in order to paint on them or tag them. At one time, we did work with artist in the Asheville area in an effort to have murals painted on our warehouses instead of profainity and inappropriate language. It was to be regulated and to paint you needed a permit to do so. The effort ended up being in vain and people continued to write offensive and inappropriate things on our warehouse and our equipment. Now, we don't allow anyone to paint on our property. We use these trailers in our everyday operations and to make our living. We hope to prevent more property damage caused by spray painting. Our guys didn't mind helping out and as you can see, they had fun doing this one! Doing things as a team has been so much fun and rewarding for all of us.
Christmas time at Asheville Waste Paper!
One way we serve our community is by picking up trash & litter from Lyman Street in front of our Plant. We do this several times a week!
We still use this old tractor that was the current owners grandfather's to this day!
Our newest tractor we recently bought used to haul various materials to and from our facility.